Welcome to my pet and family portrait blog. If you have commissioned a portrait you can see how it is progressing. If you would like to commission me to paint your pet, family or friend then visit my site at www.katetugwellportraits.com
Fancy learning how to draw and paint? See my art classes website at www.katesartclasses.com

Friday 5 March 2010

London Training Company Portraits

Here are the finished portraits of Mike and Raj. I'm planning to take them up to London and hang them amongst their other colleagues on Monday so I hope they like them!


  1. Hi Kate,
    I have read your article about acrylic paint, on Ezine. I liked it.
    I write short stories and articles about paintings. I hope you would like to visit my profile page and would like to see one of my blogs.
    I would keep visiting your blogsite for reading and seeing more artwork from you.
    -Naval Langa

  2. Fantastic finish Kate! Its been great to watch your progress.
