Welcome to my pet and family portrait blog. If you have commissioned a portrait you can see how it is progressing. If you would like to commission me to paint your pet, family or friend then visit my site at www.katetugwellportraits.com
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Tuesday, 2 March 2010

London Training Company Portraits

Four more stages of Mike's portrait. In the first instance I added highlights to Mike's face then took a photo before it had completely dried so the flash reflected back more white. This makes him look like he's been playing that game where you have to retrieve a sweet from a pile of flour using only your mouth and some wisecrack has pushed his head further in! This must be the case because in the next stage he looks pink with embarrassment. I've added more shadows and highlights and finally more yellow, red and green to bring the portrait on. Still got a fair way to go...

1 comment:

  1. Looks the spitting image of Brad Pitt
