I'm working on a number of commissions at the moment, hence the gap in blog updates, but some of them are at a similar stage now so they will arrive in a flurry, or like buses: all at once! These three lovely collies all live in the same family: Megan, in the photos above, is the eldest and as the matriarch takes pride of place in the centre of the portrait; Meg has her ears pricked up and Tess looks more laid back with her ears down. I started by painting the canvas board with a mixture of yellow ochre, burnt sienna and raw umber just to 'kill the white' as Rolf Harris puts it. Then I sketched an outline of the dogs over the top and started applying white texture paste to the white areas of the dogs. I was in the mood to do more of the detail so carried on mixing my texture paint with some mars black and carried on painting Tess. I painted their eyes and mouths in roughly to establish their place on the canvas and let the layers dry. In the next two stages I worked on all three dogs at once, adding more layers of paint and texture and letting it dry ready to build more colours into their coats. Keep watching...!
Merry Christmas (again)
8 years ago
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