Welcome to my pet and family portrait blog. If you have commissioned a portrait you can see how it is progressing. If you would like to commission me to paint your pet, family or friend then visit my site at www.katetugwellportraits.com
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Sunday 21 July 2013

A beautiful couple and their dog

I've lived with this portrait for a long time and I'm really pleased to have finished it! It's been one of the most difficult to come out of the end of my paintbrush: some flow easily and others seem troublesome with every stroke and every mix of colour. No reason for it - just the way art works and I've spent hours tweaking and fiddling but I'm pleased with it now and feel I've got a good likeness. The couple are lovely, so the subject was a joy, but the lighting and quality of photos was a challenge. Their dog was added in from a different photo which had very little detail and a different light source. New photos helped a little but I still had to work out where the light would hit the dog's head in between the couple. It has been sitting on one of my easels so I've been able to assess it and paint a bit every time I've walked past but am embarrassed by how long this one has taken me. Anyway, I'll be pleased to finally send it and I hope the couple are thrilled with being able to receive it (at long last!)

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